A&E Shows Old 24s
Since I am currently unemployed, I have been viewing old 24s on A&E (only reason to watch this channel). I recently saw a season 3 episode that I somehow had forgotten about (no, not the russian roulette game during the prison break). It was the episode where JB has to murder his boss from CTU (sidenote, a silent countdown ends the show, so the Edgah silent countdown wasn't even original). Pretty ridiculous, even after all of the stuff in season 5.
Now I bring up this episode, not only because of its craziness, but because of who else you see during the show.
But I still watch. JB is a once in a lifetime character, and I don't want to miss out on any of his adventures.
- A-Money
Now I bring up this episode, not only because of its craziness, but because of who else you see during the show.
- Chase - After watching him in action, I'm very upset he isn't on the show anymore. He was a very solid couterpart to JB, even a possible replacement. The fact that he isn't on the show upsets me more than Michelle, as much as Tony, but not even close to Palmer.
- Sylar - I completely forgot that the enemy of the Heroes was a CTU computer guy. He was kind of a Chloe slash Edgah type, before her bunkass was around (and his fatass, I'm still not upset that he died from the nerve agent). Now I tivo both shows, but I am currently more involved with Heroes (yeah I said it. drama like 24. answers, unlike lost. girl from remember the titans... all grown up. great show.)
- The Korean guy from Lost - he was Chase's partner. Apparently, 24 just makes solid actors.
But I still watch. JB is a once in a lifetime character, and I don't want to miss out on any of his adventures.
- A-Money