Monday, January 23, 2006

insert witty 24 title here

Some thoughts from the desk of Jeff Kowaleski:
fyi: I ate my lunch as fast as possible so I could make my first post)

-"Even jack bauer hates kim"- that's priceless.

-Good call w/ 24 taking out the #2 and #3 characters (or maybe 2a and 2b). wtf? wait, i got it, palmer will come back as joe boo (sp?, that's right from major league) using voodoo. tony came back from a point-blank shot to the neck... pfff... what's a car-bomb to the cubs-mug-toting man? he'll shrug that shit off like the panthers shrugged off the giants. (OHHHH!!! shit, that's right! eli and peyton can have "manning" face competitions back in nahlins together now.)

-audrey raines is the worst... why did they bring her back? maybe edgah "traded after hanley was already gone and the red sox are paying a bunch of his salary and Retcharia will probably have an all-star year w/ the braves" stiles will eat her... during the competition with the guy schlo-mo is with. (btw, how funny was the scene w/ chloe and the guy in bed. i wish i could remember some awkward chloe quotations.)


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